Please feel free to contact me directly by telephone on 01792 896748 or by email at to discuss commissioning artwork with you. Each commission is unique and as such will need to be priced individually therefore the more information that you are able to supply the better.
The criteria which affect the price are;
- Complexity of design
- Writing surface – paper or vellum (calf skin)
- Additional illustration
- More than one language
- Urgency of deadline
Price and Payment
I am very happy to discuss pricing and to create work that suits your budget.
Please bear in mind that each piece is created by hand so allow time for me to complete it. I will usually require a month lead time.
Price Guide:
Level 1: £25- £250. To include certificates, wedding stationery,single drawn or painted portraits and purely calligraphic pieces such as poems.
Level 2: £250- £750. To include drawn or painted group portraits, Heraldry and mid-sized calligraphic pieces with illustration.
Level 3: £750- £1500. To include calligraphic family trees, complex design and Honorary Pieces on paper.
Level 4 : 1800- £3500. To include high end Honorary work with Gold and Heraldry. Family trees with Heraldry and / or illustration all on vellum.
Level 5: You get the idea!! The larger the work the more expensive it will become…I am always open to offers.
Any prices quoted are an estimate only, based on the artists current costs of production and estimated time involved unless otherwise agreed. Prices are subject to amendment any time to meet any change in such costs or to reflect the actual amount of work carried out. The estimate shall not include the cost of postage and packing.
A 50% percent deposit must be paid before the commencement of any work, upon agreement of the estimated cost.
Overseas clients are subject to a 100% payment of the estimated costs.
Payment is due within 10 days of the date of the invoice, or must be paid in full before any artwork is to be sent to the customer.
Payment can be made direct to Judith Porch, via a bank transfer or by cheque. If payment is made from overseas either a Bank Transfer, PayPal or a bank cheque are accepted. Bank Details are given out if required.